Wednesday 23 May 2012

23rd May 2012 - Progress Update and Information

I know it seems like it's been 3 days until my last post, but really it has been 2 days, since it's only 3 hours into the third day.

I don't have much to show today in terms of content, but that doesn't necessarily mean nothing productive hasn't been achieved. For now, I think I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself a bit more, and the tell you about today.

RSPS History:
I'm going to keep it brief; I've been using private servers for about 5 years now. Prior to SinScape, I was out of RSPS for about 4 months. I had grown tired of administrating my own server, so left the scene to begin playing one. I was a player of a certain mainstream private server, and then it just so happened I got offered to become a player moderator. I wanted to decline, as I joined there to escape being a member of staff, but I accepted nevertheless. A while later I decided to resign and quit, to concentrate on family life for a while.

Becoming re-inspired to start developing a server again, I started SinScape. It was my second day of being back in which I decided to register to the 3 main RSPS development communities (Mopar, Rune-Server and RuneLocus).

I had been out of developing for about 8 months, so felt a bit rusty, but went straight into the deep end regardless.

About Me:
My name's Dan, I'm 22 and live in England. I have 2 kids and a missus. The end. 

Well anyway, as I said, today I have no content to show, because I have been rekindling my knowledge of Java.

Interacting with objects and NPCs in game is handled via JScript. I have had no previous experience with scripts and how it is supposed to be used, so have been having some problems with ConcurrentModificationExceptions (meaning a thread is trying to do more than one thing at the same time).

I made a couple of breakthroughs, fixing part of the ObjectOptionTwo packet handling (well, it doesn't crash the server anymore, at least), but am still experiencing problems with trading NPCs. It opens the shop and then immediately crashes the server, throwing a ConcurrentModificationException again.

It's just a matter of trial and error, and I'll eventually squash it, just like I did with the NPC respawns.

I will be creating new content, even if I don't fix this tonight, as I can come back to it. It is quite important I spend most of my current developing time attempting to fix this though, as it's an essential feature for the server.

Basically what I am saying, but just wished to make it long-winded, is that if 2 or 3 days pass without a blog post, it's because I'm doing the boring stuff that involves nothing of real value to show, no pictures to show, and is basically me going back and fourth for hours on end at the same old line of code, chopping it up and making a big old mess.

I have learned a lot of things in the process, and I will write these walls of text every couple of days so you don't think I've disappeared (come on, it's only been 2 days, OMG). I would post every day but the post would be too short, and that's no fun.

If you want to know anything about me or the project, you can post a comment as I guest, so just fire away.

Oh, and before I forget. We've made £3.59 via Google AdSense so far, so we're well on our way to a dedicated host. It's slow, but it's worth it. Only use the ads if you are genuinely interested. Fraudulent clicks will not be counted and could result in the blog being closed down, so just keep it genuine.

Also, you could tell your friends or post a link in your signatures and post around a bit, the more recognition the better. I appreciate your interests in the development, it's you what makes it (or breaks it), so the pressures on YOU! 

Hehe, thanks.

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  1. Great to know that you will keep the blog active so the viewers can stay updated, Looking forward to more blog plosts!

    - Aetoc

    1. I'm working on something fairly cool at the moment, so will be uploading my first video to show it in action soon.

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, much appreciated. Stay tuned.
